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来源: 作者:未知 发布时间:2021-07-05人气:0
The Integration of GOB Technology with Rental led Screens Brings Superior Visual and Tactile Experience.
In recent years, the market for rental LED screens has become increasingly  active. People have higher and higher requirements for ultra-high-definition dis-play and high flatness of LED screen. However, the traditional SMD technology  has been unable to meet these requirements, which has prompted LED display manufacturers to make corresponding improvements in the surface treatment of the screen. There are mainly two technologies: AOB and GOB, to cope with the limitations of traditional LED packaging technology. GOB technology now has been widely used in rental LED displays, which not only improves the protectionlevel, but also brings customers superior visual and tactile experience.
What are AOB and GOB technologies?
1. 那么,什么是AOB和GOB技术?
AOB is a packaging technology that is a nano-level surface coating process that can increase the strength of the LED lamps on the PCB, enhance the waterproof  and dustproof performance of the screen, expand the viewing angle of the screen and enhance the color contrast. AOB technology mainly includes the filling layer and surface protection layer. The filling layer improves the ink color of the printed circuit board and the optical effect of the lamp surface to achieve a wide viewing angle. The surface protection layer prevents the lamp bead pins from being invaded by water vapor and dust.
GOB is the abbreviation of Glue on Board, which is another surface coating process, similar to the surface gluing process of outdoor LED displays. The surface ofthe SMD lamp board is filled with a layer of transparent epoxy resin, and the thickness of the lamp coating surface is up to 2~5mm, which has the effect of dustproof and waterproof. This is a technology to solve the LED lamp protection. The material not only has ultra-high transparency but also has ultra-strong thermal conductivity. It can adapt to any harsh environment and really achieve the functions like moistureproof, waterproof, dustproof, anti-impact, and anti-UV, avoiding the phenomena like a large area of dead light, drop light, etc. It is mostly used in the rental LED display market and indoor small-pitch LED display market.
GOB是Glue on board的缩写,是另一种表面涂覆工艺,类似户外显示屏的表面灌胶工艺。在SMD灯板表面整体填充一层透明环氧树脂,灯珠表面覆盖厚度达至2~5mm,起到防尘和防水的效果。这是为了解决LED灯防护问题的一种技术,该材料不仅具备超高的透明性能,而且还拥有超强的导热性,可适应任何恶劣的环境,实现真正的防潮、防水、防尘、防撞击、抗UV等作用,避免大面积死灯、掉灯等现象发生。它多应用于租赁显示屏市场,室内小间距显示屏市场。
The whole production process of GOB series products has about 3 steps:
1.Choose the best materials, LED lamps, high refresh rate driving ICs, and high-quality LED chips.
2.After the product is assembled, aging 72 hours for the inspection of lamp before GOB gluing.
3.After GOB gluing, aging for another 24 hours to reconfirm the product quality.
1. 选最优质的材料、灯珠、行业内高刷IC方案、高品质LED晶片
2. 产品装配好后,在GOB灌胶前,老化72小时,对灯进行检测
3. GOB灌胶后,再老化24小时,再次确认产品质量
GOB technology is an innovative sealing method using epoxy membrane on the surface of the module. Different from AOB technology, GOB technology protects the screen by isolating the LED lamps from water, dust, and collisions, so that the LED lamps will not be damaged even in the presence of water and dust, while  AOB technology prevents screen from damage by strengthening the connection between LED lamps and PCB boards.
2.The Integration of GOB Technology and IR1 PRO & OR1 PRO Rental LED Screen in Premteco
When GOB technology blends into rental LED screens, it will not only effectively avoid damages like falling LED lamps, dead pixels caused by harsh handling in daily use, but also improve the service time of the screens greatly.
2. 绿巨人污版的产品与GOB技术结合
There are 4 “L”shape supporting feet on the edges of the panel and 2 curve locks available at both sides for possible needs of our clients. What’s worth notice, additional cover of GOB technology gives our LED rental screens characteristics like light and thin, easy to setup and dispart, free to scratches, etc. Both the cabinet design and product quality win the favor of our clients.
OR1PRO和 IR1 PRO系列的P1.9, P2.6以及P2.9,是绿巨人污版通过结合舞台租赁应用过程的实际情况与需求设计的非常受欢迎的租赁产品。箱体有护脚设计,可以根据客户需求灵活增加弧度锁,最重要的是绿巨人污版使用GOB技术,拥有箱体轻薄、易装卸、不惧磕碰等特点,箱体的设计和产品质量都深得客户青睐。